Legacy Of Kain Series
legacy of kain series

  1. #Legacy Of Kain Series Series Should Be
  2. #Legacy Of Kain Series Plus A Couple

Personally, I enjoyed my time with it, but when people talk about how awesome the Kain games are, its generally the writing and voice acting in the trilogy Amy Henig wrote that theyre talking about.Get us a remaster of Blood Omen 1 & 2, Soul Reaver 1 & 2, and Defiance print money. Blood Omen 2 is the black sheep that a lot of people hate.

Legacy Of Kain Series Series Should Be

LEGACY OF KAIN: DEFIANCE (PS2) FAQ/Walkthrough By Ultima13 JVersion 1.00 Email: See Contact Info section DISCLAIMER This FAQ is for personal use only. The two battle, with Raziel defeating Kain and tearing Janos' heart from his chest. His first act was to recruit a cadre. For Legacy of Kain: Defiance on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'order the series should be played in (no spoilers please)'.Five hundred years have passed since Kain first set his capital in the ruins of the pillars of Nosgoth and began his conquest of the world. Raziel is the protagonist of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, and one of the two lead characters in Legacy of Kain: Defiance, alongside Kain.Once a vampire Kains lieutenant, 'prodigal son', and second-in-command Raziel evolved to such an extent that he surpassed Kain, a transgression which seemingly prompted his execution.Cast into the Lake of the Dead, Raziel was, like.

legacy of kain series

Plus, the game is no longer simply a vehicle for the storyline. Not only does it deliver the story fans of the series have been waiting for since Raziel had his wings ripped from his back, they answered nearly everything I have been dying to know since the first game so long ago. The endless waiting for something to happen - The trickle of storyline shrouded in mysteries wrapped in riddles, and then so little resolution.But Crystal Dynamics came through. But after five games and so little resolution, just more and more questions, all the blood in the world couldn't wipe away the tortured waiting. No turning back.Sounds like betrayal from a fan, doesn't it? Hell yeah, it does.

You'll finally learn what the hell is going on! The roles and relationships of Moebius, the Elder God, the Hylden and the Demon Beasts are laid plain for everyone to see and Kain and Raziel both fulfill their destinies with exhilarating conflicts and resolutions. LOK: Defiance, however, finally gets the ball moving by resolving major questions from both Kain and Raziel.For fans of the series, you're in for a treat. The story is massive, perhaps equal in labyrinthine complexities as the Metal Gear Solid series, and far, far too long to summarize for the purposes of this review. At least until you play the game.Story Editor's Note: I have been careful to navigate away from spoiling anything significant in the story in this review, but if you simply don't want any surprises, even in the slightest, then I suggest you stop reading now.The fifth in the Legacy of Kain series, LoK: Defiance follows the epic drama of three major races - vampire, human and Hylden - all in a passionate fight for control the world, each one pursuing their idea of the "true" prophecy. I know what you're thinking too: Does the game end the series? Some things are best left unanswered.

Both handle almost identically, each using the Soul Reaver in its various forms, each in a different time period. The story unfolds with players taking on the role of Kain and then switching to Raziel and then back to Kain again, and so forth, as each segment of the game is broken into chapters. Gameplay An action-adventure game using a hybrid set/roving camera system and a deep new combat system, LOK: Defiance is also the first in the series to enable players to take on the roles of both Kain and Raziel under one title. So, while it's better to have followed the series (just as if you had been following, say, The Matrix or the Lord of the Rings), this game is moderately accessible to those who have been intimidated to play in the past.That's all I have to say about that right now.

Kain and Raziel can hurl their enemies off bridges, they can throw them onto hooks strategically placed on walls, or they can chuck them into fires. The implementation of this element deepens the combat system tenfold as it works with air combat, juggles, and the pleasurable torture items found in the environment. Using the invisible power of mind control, Kain and Raziel can lift, throw, bounce or simply hold their enemies in air using TK. Both Kain and Raziel primarily fight using their swords, and utilizing the Z-trigger aiming system introduced back in Soul Reaver 1, Raziel and Kain lock onto the enemy closest to them.Uppercuts and combinations of horizontal slashes are joined by a slew of new TK or Telekenesis moves. If Soul Reaver 2 wasn't your idea of fun, you'll probably like this system, which continues to grow on you as the game progresses.

Legacy Of Kain Series Plus A Couple

As you confront more Hylden, Demon Beasts, Sarafan and Knights (plus a couple very good bosses, including a surprise boss from Raziel's past), you'll find collectibles to increase your abilities. The game does a good job of merging puzzles into the core of the game, as opposed to segmenting them out (as exemplified in Soul Reaver 2). Since the game is structured as a keyhunt/combat game/storytelling vehicle, you'll do a lot of fighting against an increasingly fierce set of enemies. Experimenting with it can easily extend fights long beyond their normal length.Adding another layer to the already robust fighting system is the collection of new moves. It's superbly implemented into the heart of the combat, and it's very, very, very fun.

Plus the strafing works extremely well. Neither character can block, but Raziel's quick side tumble and Kain's speedy mist dodge make up for blocking. Then there are the various Reavers (nine for Raziel, six for Kain), which work as means to attack and defend, but also to solve puzzles. There is also sword magic to wield against enemies as well as the ability to maximize your Reaver for deadly attacks. Five special moves are earned, each giving Raziel and Kain new combinations to counter bigger enemies. Each is presented with clear menus and in an easy-to-use manner.Players earn more complex moves as the game gets more intense.

And far too many times, your character fights enemies hidden behind a banister, railing, or pillar. You fight characters off-screen you actually face into the camera, and as the enemy disappears, you're supposed to attack it. More frequently with Raziel's fights than with Kain's, there is a slew of problems. The combat is really good, but the new camera system - which works superbly in some ways-hampers the experience more often than I'd like.

Everyday objects just block your view. Simple things like the foreground and background get in the way. Less polished, than either. Other games, namely Devil May Cry and even Ico use cameras of this nature, but this one is less friendly, i.e.

It's something that can be dealt with, but in a frenzied situation, it's a very bad problem to have. Kain or Raziel will be in a fight in a room, and they'll get locked on to an enemy that's outside the room. But not here.Another major problem that detracts from the excellent combat is based on collision detection.

It's frustrating to see a game that's improved so much, that's so beautiful and that tells such a deep, compelling story whittled away with little things that could - and should - have been fixed with a slightly longer testing period.Still, the dual character scheme works incredibly well. In several cases, Raziel loses his footing on totally solid objects, and in a really weird set of levels, he'll run into invisible walls. Enemies disappear into the walls, they get stuck in between objects such as doors and chairs, and your own characters blend into objects.

Unlike Kain, who dies when he touches water, Raziel can swim. He devours souls when in the spectral realm, and he too can pass through barriers in this realm. Raziel feels the same as a controllable character so gamers won't have to relearn any major moves, but his powers are slightly different. Kain can slow down his descent in mid air too.

Sounds silly, because it's so obvious, but after a few hours, watch and see how you will move Kain right into a deadly one-inch puddle of water.In all, LOK: Defiance feels like a highly enhanced Soul Reaver, modified with a deep new fighting system and killer TK modifications. It's hard to remember after switching back so often that Kain cannot touch water. The only problem that we found while switching back and forth is water. Both Kain and Raziel can glide while in air.

Raziel still deals with the bulk of the puzzles, and somehow using the Spectral world is daunting, making one feel like they're just about to gamble away hours worth of progress. But all in all, the integration of puzzles and action into less separate, more bundled parts sits well by me. The cameras are both a blessing and a curse, and the collision detection, well, that needs to be worked out before the game ships. You fight, solve puzzles, fight some more, and listen to the story.

legacy of kain series